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We'll focus on keeping your data and operations secure.

SMBs serving American interests need and deserve

best-in-class cyberthreat protection.

Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) serving America’s Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and critical infrastructure (CI) are increasingly in the crosshairs of cybercriminals and nation-state threats.
Attacks and incidents are rising at an alarming rate. To be truly secure, SMBs need access to the same class of protection and defense-in-depth capabilities that were historically only available to large enterprises.

Attacks on SMBs are Accelerating and Costly 

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1-Connectwise; State of SMB Cybersecurity 20222 | 2-Verizon; 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report | 3-IBM; 2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report. | 4-IBM & Ponemon; 2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report


Upgrade Your Skills Upgrade Your Life

Spend some time to visit our website or head office and discover our current courses, enrollment procedure, and registration deadline. We are opening new classes every beginning of each month.

SMBs Need Strong, Affordable Protection 

Radical change is needed to secure the inventions and operations of American SMBs.

RADICL is ushering in that change by revolutionizing cyberthreat protection for SMB companies that serve America’s national defense supply chain and critical infrastructure. Radical innovation drives our mission. Leveraging modern technologies and approaches, we lean heavily on automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This innovation delivers strong, enterprise-grade protection that is finally accessible to SMBs.

RADICL's comprehensive Xtended Threat Protection (XTP) platform will keep your front, flank, and rear safe from attack by:

  • Deploying and managing advanced endpoint protection.
  • Hunting for evasive and embedded threats.
  • Responding to potential incidents 24/7.
  • Identifying vulnerabilities and guiding remediation efforts.
  • Providing your employees with security awareness training.
  • Ensuring general IT security best practices are in place via guided compliance adherence.
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What Our Customers Are Saying:

“As an extension of our team, RADICL’s comprehensive and diligent approach to all things cybersecurity lets VATN remain focused on what we know best: autonomous underwater vehicles."

Nelson Mills
Founder & CEO
VATN Systems

“RADICL’s weekly bespoke threat hunting operations and deep analytics across our infrastructure are a valuable addition to Red6’s IT security framework and help ensure that we are confidently secure from advanced threat actors.”

C. Leslie
VP of Information Technology


“After RADICL’s vSOC identified and responded to nefarious activity that our previous EDR product had missed, it became a no-brainer decision to continue our partnership.”


Dave Griesbauer
Executive Director
Pathstone (formerly Crestone Capital)

Basic IT Security Leaves Gaps That Attackers Exploit

Most SMBs struggle to move beyond basic IT security due to cost and complexity. Off-the-shelf firewalls and anti-virus will only get you so far. Threats such as ransomware, business email compromise, and financial fraud occur when attackers slip through porous defenses. The only way to reduce the risk of these threats is to adopt more sophisticated and complete cyberthreat protection and defense mechanisms.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan velit sit amet sagittis malesuada.
A photo of Shaun Benson, Marketing Manager, Agriflora Inc.
Ervin Howell, VP Product, Deckow-Crist
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan velit sit amet sagittis malesuada.
A photo of Shaun Benson, Marketing Manager, Agriflora Inc.
Clementina DuBuque, SVP Sales, Hoeger LLC.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan velit sit amet sagittis malesuada.
A photo of Shaun Benson, Marketing Manager, Agriflora Inc.
Kurtis Weissnat, CMO, Brunlow Inc.
“RADICL has already paid for itself at BCNS! After the recent CrowdStrike incident, RADICL's vSOC team swiftly notified us of the issue and provided clear, concise guidance on how to fix it," "Our IT team was able to remediate all affected machines promptly and returned every one to their regularly scheduled duties. We're very pleased we decided to partner with RADICL."

-- Thomas Cathey, BCNS Principal

NIST 800-171 and CMMC Compliance Made Easier

Many companies, especially those serving critical infrastructure and the defense industry, are bound to NIST 800-171 compliance. Soon, the DIB will be bound to CMMC, which will introduce even stronger enforcement standards. RADICL takes the guesswork and pain out of the compliance journey. RADICL XTP directly addresses many of the hardest-to-meet requirements. For all other requirements, we provide guided steering to incrementally bring you into complete compliance. Download our helpful CMMC Quick-Start Toolkit to get started.

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Our mission is to keep you highly secure while keeping it easy for you.


We take time to understand your needs and IT environment. If there is a good fit, giddy up. If not, we’ll point you toward success elsewhere.


In just a week, your cyberthreat protection posture will be dramatically improved with minimal effort on your end.


Your security posture will continue to improve every day. Strong security is a journey, we’ll keep you on the path.

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